
WHAT MAKES ESTONIA SO GOOD AT PISA? Pre-opening of the LESE – Lisbon Economics and Statistics and Education Conference at ISEG.

The pre-opening of the 2022 LESE – Lisbon Economics and Statistics of Education conference will take place on the 19th of January.

The keynote speaker at the event is Gunda Tire (the manager of the PISA project in Estonia). The PISA is an OECD initiative for international student assessment, which measures the ability of young people to apply their knowledge of reading, mathematics to solve life’s challenges).

The event starts at 15.00, in Auditorium 4 (New Quelhas, 1st Floor). Free admission.

Gunda Tire is going to talk to us about the success of the educational system in Estonia.


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Última Aula 11 de Março