Events - Page 3

WHAT MAKES ESTONIA SO GOOD AT PISA? Pre-opening of the LESE – Lisbon Economics and Statistics and Education Conference at ISEG.

The pre-opening of the 2022 LESE – Lisbon Economics and Statistics of Education conference will take place on the 19th of January. The keynote speaker at the event is Gunda Tire (the manager of the PISA project in Estonia). The PISA is an OECD initiative for international student assessment, which measures the ability of young people to apply their knowledge of reading,

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Seminario Internacional de Educación Integral (SIEI) 16, 17 e 18 de Março.

El Seminario Internacional de Educación Integral (SIEI) es un evento educativo que convoca anualmente a miles de personas interesadas en construir una comunidad y formar parte de un espacio de reflexión y análisis sobre temas relevantes para hacer de la escuela un lugar significativo que responda a los desafíos y necesidades del contexto actual. Desde el 2020

Competence Centre on Microeconomic Evaluation Event: 10 June

CC-ME Seminar Series Webinar : The CC-ME hosts a Microeconometric Seminar Series to promote discussions with external researchers from academia and other institutions. Moreover, it is intended to disseminate advanced research methodologies and topics in the field of microeconomic evaluation. I will talk about a few things statistical analyses of PISA, TIMMS, and other ISLA studies

International Institute of Forecasters Workshop: Forecasting in a changing environment.

December 9-10 Economic forecasting covers a wide range of topics and subfields: nowcasting the state of the economy, financial forecasting, marketing, etc., just to mention a few. Models and techniques are diverse, ranging from small scale models to big data analytics. On top of that, the COVID-19 pandemic has provoked the most severe recession observed

2022 LESE Conference

LESE, Lisbon Economics and Statistics of Education, will take place at Nova School of Business and Economics (Nova SBE), Carcavelos, Lisbon, on the 20th and 21st of January 2022.This 6th Lisbon Research Workshop on Economics, Statistics, and Econometrics of Education will continue our very successful tradition of getting together researchers, students and education analysts, providing

Las pruebas de la educatión. Madrid 19 de Enero.

La Fundación Promaestro lleva Las pruebas de la educación a toda España, con el objetivo de acercar al profesorado y a toda la comunidad educativa los últimos hallazgos de la investigación científica en educación y en sus áreas afines. Qué nos dicen la experiencia, la estadística y la ciencia sobre el currículo? Será el tema que abordaré y profundizaré

Fórum Mundial para a Cidadania e Educação 22-23 Nov

O Papel Estratégico da ciência dos dados e da monitorização na educação e na cidadania. Para mais informações:

Evento: Discussão do livro Tareas pendientes: Aciertos y errores de 31 exministros para pensar el futuro de la educación | 7 de Outubro | 17h


7 de Outubro | 17h Inscrição online necessária.

Panel @CratoNuno, @Otto2025 y @vidalgloria dialogarán con @Agustinporres sobre su libro, un conjunto de entrevistas a quienes han sido responsables en la política educativa de 27 países. Modera: Claudia Romero. Presentan: @eduardoyeyati y @CeciliaCalero.

Les link de discusión:

Event: Global Student Summit. Wednesday 12 May 2021 | 13:00-15:30 GMT

Realigning higher ed for the modern student. Programme.

The Varkey Foundation is convening the event, which will include a discussion of the findings from a new global poll commissioned by on the lives, hopes and fears of undergraduate students around the world. The survey, which polled 17,000 undergraduate students in 21 countries, shows that many of today’s students would broadly support moves toward more online learning in higher education and their desire for more affordability in the system. It also finds that the COVID-19 pandemic has severely affected the mental health of many undergraduate students around the world.

The Global Education Series event will bring together leaders and experts from across the world’s education and skills sector to discuss the future of further education. The event will also convene current and future higher education students to offer their views on the plethora of situations on hand.