The pre-opening of the 2022 LESE – Lisbon Economics and Statistics of Education conference will take place on the 19th of January. The keynote speaker at the event is Gunda Tire (the manager of the PISA project in Estonia). The PISA is an OECD initiative for international student assessment, which measures the ability of young people to apply their knowledge of reading,
Read MoreWhat works? Embedding in education recovery
26th – 27th May, 2022 Barcelona, Spain.
The Education Endowment Foundation and EduCaixa organise a 2-day conference ‘What works? Embedding evidence in education recovery’ that brings together international education stakeholders and local education evidence experts and practitioners to discuss the impact of the global pandemic and world conflict on the attainment of learners. As we work towards educational recovery, it is more important than ever that school leaders, teachers and policymakers across the globe are equipped with the evidence around what works in improving and accelerating learning.
The topic of my intervention will be titled “Moving from the what to the how: the influence of teachers and school networks” and will take place on the 26th of May:
Conference Timetable
Event Link
Seminario Internacional de Educación Integral (SIEI) 16, 17 e 18 de Março.
El Seminario Internacional de Educación Integral (SIEI) es un evento educativo que convoca anualmente a miles de personas interesadas en construir una comunidad y formar parte de un espacio de reflexión y análisis sobre temas relevantes para hacer de la escuela un lugar significativo que responda a los desafíos y necesidades del contexto actual. Desde el 2020 se organiza en formato virtual y ha alcanzado a más de 40 mil profesores en más de 32 países.
La edición número 15 del SIEI se llevará a cabo los días 16, 17 y 18 de marzo de manera virtual. En esta ocasión se abrirá un espacio de encuentro, reflexión y análisis sobre la educación para la ciudadanía global a través de un enfoque solidario y humanista, así como la educación que necesitamos para conseguir el futuro que queremos.
WHAT MAKES ESTONIA SO GOOD AT PISA? Pre-opening of the LESE – Lisbon Economics and Statistics and Education Conference at ISEG.
The pre-opening of the 2022 LESE – Lisbon Economics and Statistics of Education conference will take place on the 19th of January.
The keynote speaker at the event is Gunda Tire (the manager of the PISA project in Estonia). The PISA is an OECD initiative for international student assessment, which measures the ability of young people to apply their knowledge of reading, mathematics to solve life’s challenges).
The event starts at 15.00, in Auditorium 4 (New Quelhas, 1st Floor). Free admission.
Gunda Tire is going to talk to us about the success of the educational system in Estonia.
2022 LESE Conference
LESE, Lisbon Economics and Statistics of Education, will take place at Nova School of Business and Economics (Nova SBE), Carcavelos, Lisbon, on the 20th and 21st of January 2022.
This 6th Lisbon Research Workshop on Economics, Statistics, and Econometrics of Education will continue our very successful tradition of getting together researchers, students and education analysts, providing a forum to present methodological and applied research and to discuss quantitative results on education analysis.
The conference will include lectures by invited speakers, organised thematic debates, contributed parallel sessions, poster discussions, and, for the first time, a short course on Large Scale International Assessments.
International Institute of Forecasters Workshop: Forecasting in a changing environment.
December 9-10
Economic forecasting covers a wide range of topics and subfields: nowcasting the state of the economy, financial forecasting, marketing, etc., just to mention a few. Models and techniques are diverse, ranging from small scale models to big data analytics. On top of that, the COVID-19 pandemic has provoked the most severe recession observed since the XX century. The changing pattern in the dynamic dependence of many time series has consequences in the pre-processing of the data as, for instance, in outlier detection and deseasonalizing, as well as in the models and procedures used to forecasting. All in all, forecasting economic time series nowadays is a complicated task. This workshop brings together a group of renowned scholars and analysts with the aim of sharing their forecasting experiences in these turbulent times.
I will have the privilege of participating in a round table on the 10th of December. You can register and confirm the schedule on the event´s website
Tomorrow Summit 25, 26 e 27 de Novembro
No próximo dia 26 de Novembro irei participar na Tomorrow Summit com uma palestra sobre o tema Transformar a educação: reflexão prospetiva.
O que é o Tomorrow Summit?
Em 2021 será realizada a 4ª edição do evento Tomorrow Summit, um evento de tecnologia e inovação organizado pela Federação Académica do Porto. O objetivo deste evento tem sido liderar a discussão pelo “amanhã”. Liderar as novas gerações para agarrarem o seu futuro e marcarem a agenda inovadora são as principais premissas.
O que vai mudar e qual o nosso papel na sociedade em que vivemos?
A resposta a esta e muitas outras perguntas será dada na Tomorrow Summit 2021, queremos que a juventude lidere o “Novo Recomeço” e que marque a agenda para assegurar os objetivos da estratégia Portugal 2030 em concertação com os objetivos de política definidos pela Comissão Europeia e que todos os participantes encontrem na Tomorrow Summit um ecossistema de inovação, investigação e tecnologia, através de uma plataforma de participação, colaboração e aprendizagem e uma oportunidade ímpar, com condições verdadeiramente potenciadoras, para dar vida às tuas ideias!
EVENTO: Semana da Ciência e Tecnologia 2021
No próximo dia 26 de Novembro estarei presente na Semana da Ciência e Tecnologia 2021 onde irei dar uma palestra com o tema ” A geometria e a astronomia dos relógios de sol”.
Horário: 21h
Localidade: Basílica dos Congregados, Avenida Central, Braga.
EVENT: Porto – Fight Against Functional Illiteracy
READING ON PAPER is better for kids who are learning to read, and for many purposes later in life. BUT DIGITAL READING MAY HELP, as in the @Iniciativa_Educ program HISTÓRIAS DE AaZ.
Tuesday, November 9th at 9h30
ResearchED Belgium 21
The goal of researchED is to bridge the gap between research and practice in education. Researchers, teachers, and policy makers come together for a day of information-sharing and myth-busting. Next October 23rd I’ll be present in ResearchED Belgium 2021 to talk about what PISA, TIMMS and other International Studies really say about Education. To join me, check the program schedule.Visit the site for more information:
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