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Five questions to ask if you think teaching problem-solving works. By John Sweller

Every few decades there is a campaign to include general problem-solving and thinking skills in school curricula. The motivation is understandable. Everyone would like our schools to enhance students’ critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Because it is so obviously important for students to have such skills, these campaigns are frequently successful in including thinking and

WHAT MAKES ESTONIA SO GOOD AT PISA? Pre-opening of the LESE – Lisbon Economics and Statistics and Education Conference at ISEG.

The pre-opening of the 2022 LESE – Lisbon Economics and Statistics of Education conference will take place on the 19th of January. The keynote speaker at the event is Gunda Tire (the manager of the PISA project in Estonia). The PISA is an OECD initiative for international student assessment, which measures the ability of young people to apply their knowledge of reading,

The Learning Lab Event 2023

How can we evaluate the impact of education policy meausures? And why is this evaluation so often replaced by intuition and ideology? Brussels, May 11.

Última Aula 11 de Março

No próximo dia 11 de março de 2022, irei dar a minha última aula como Professor do ISEG. A aula irá decorrer no ISEG a Última Lição pelas 11h00 (Auditório CGD, Ed. Quelhas).Terá ainda lugar, no dia 11 de março, um Jantar de Homenagem, pelas 19h30, no Salão Nobre do ISEG. https://www.iseg.ulisboa.pt/pt/event/ultima-licao-do-professor-doutor-nuno-crato-2/

Event: Economia Viva. Nova SBE

Teaching in the digital age. Economia Viva is a cycle of conferences in which the most diverse topics of global interest are discussed. It is organized every year in a partnership between the Nova Economics Club (NEC) and the Nova Students’ Union (Nova SU), taking place at Nova School of Business and Economics. Ever since

Queen Rania Teacher Academy Forum 2022

Join my session on “Schools to build the future” on the 23rd of October 2022 at 4:15PM Jordan time 1:15 PM GMT To register: https://tinyurl.com/5afv24xu About the Forum: https://tinyurl.com/s5prrtye #QRTAFORUM2022 My presentation:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=66hCw8AgvqM&t=26s


Dia 17 de Outubro, estarei no FIC.A pelas 14h nos Jardins do Palácio do Marquês de Pombal, para uma conferência sobre a importância da ciência para a educação e sobre o modo como pode informar as práticas educativas, contribuindo para melhorar a educação. Aberto a todos os que tiverem interesse.

“There is no reason why a child of seven or eight years old cannot know how to read.”
A great pleasure to speak with ministers at the Federal Education Council in Buenos Aires about literacy and our AaZ (from A to Z) program of the Educação Initiative.

Full interview here

Now, back to the hard sciences…

How an old Lord Kelvin insight may still inspire stochastic analysis Fragmented spectral or AR estimates may work better than the full corresponding statistics.

Our new paper in Open Access in Physica A, see it here

Education can only improve by abandoning dogmatism and outdated ideology and respecting evidence, experience, and modern science Honored to be officially appointed to the Scientific Council of National Education (CSEN) of the French government


Los manuales escolares son parte fundamental de un sistema educativo, pero saber utilizarlos bien es más raro de que lo parece.
Más que simples exposiciones de temas, los buenos libros de texto constituyen medios eficaces para organizar la enseñanza, estructurar el aprendizaje, transferir conocimientos y desarrollar en los alumnos competencias de un modo efectivo. Albergan en su seno todo el potencial necesario para propiciar un aprendizaje significativo y contribuir a la base formativa de los escolares.
Este libro estudia los manuales escolares, abordando su evolución histórica, su uso actual y algunos principios eficaces para su redacción, selección y utilización, a la luz de las evidencias empíricas disponibles. Es una obra dedicada a editores, autores, profesores, estudiantes y responsables de políticas educativas.

The Learning Lab Event 2023

How can we evaluate the impact of education policy meausures? And why is this evaluation so often replaced by intuition and ideology?

Brussels, May 11.

WHAT MAKES ESTONIA SO GOOD AT PISA? Pre-opening of the LESE – Lisbon Economics and Statistics and Education Conference at ISEG.


The pre-opening of the 2022 LESE – Lisbon Economics and Statistics of Education conference will take place on the 19th of January.

The keynote speaker at the event is Gunda Tire (the manager of the PISA project in Estonia). The PISA is an OECD initiative for international student assessment, which measures the ability of young people to apply their knowledge of reading, mathematics to solve life’s challenges).

The event starts at 15.00, in Auditorium 4 (New Quelhas, 1st Floor). Free admission.

Gunda Tire is going to talk to us about the success of the educational system in Estonia.


Our latest Book: Improving a Country’s Education- Pisa Results in 10 Countries


This Springer open-access book is one of the first to be published, or even the first, discussing the results of PISA 2018. It analyses how ten different countries have evolved and what makes countries change. The countries discussed in this volume represent a wide variety of educational systems, from Australia and Taiwan, in the East, to England, Estonia, Finland, Poland, Portugal, and Spain, in Europe, and to Chile and the United States, in the Americas.  

You can download the full book here.

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